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Πάσχα στη Σαντορίνη ,4ημ αεροπορικώς από 259€ (Πτήσεις 26/04 06.00 - 07.00 // 29/04 22.00-23.00)

13 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2019
Πάσχα στο ομορφότερο νησί του κόσμου από 259€ .Διαμονή μέσα στα Φηρά .Δυνατότητα εκδρομών .Πολυτελή καταλύματα με θέα στη Καλντέρα  [...]

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Πάσχα στη Ρόδο στο Mitsis La Vita Beach Hotel 4* 4,5ημ από 269€ με ημιδιατροφή και εορταστικά .Πετάμε με Aegean Airlines

13 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2019
Πάσχα στo νησί των Ιπποτών !Ταξίδ στη  Ρόδο από Θεσσαλονίκη με διαμονή στο εξαιρετικό ξενοδοχείο Mitsis La Vita Beach Hotel 4*
Το ξενοδοχείο βρίκεται λίγα βήματα από το κέντρο της πόλης ,αλλά και από την Παλιά πόλη και το Μανδράκι .Πάνω στη Θάλασσα με θεά το Αιγαίο 


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Βαρκελώνη ,κάθε εβδομάδα 4,5ημ από 269€ με Πριβέ ξενάγηση (Μάιος - Καλοκαίρι '19)

13 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2019
Βαρκελώνη ,κάθε εβδομάδα 4,5ημ από 269€ με Πριβέ ξενάγηση (Μάιος - Καλοκαίρι '19) 
Ταξίδια και εκδρομές στην πόλη του Gaudi και του Μέσι Άνοικη και Καλοκαίρι 

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Πάσχα στη Σαντορίνη

12 ΑΠΡΙΛΙΟΥ 2019
Πάσχα στη Σαντορίνη , Ατμοσφαιρικός επιτάφιος τη Μ.Παρασκευή στοχωριό Πύργος της Σαντορίνης [...]

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A chance to visit the breathtaking monasteries of Meteora

27 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2019
The view of the towering dark rocks is awe-inspiring. Nestled on their peaks and caves since the 11th century, the monasteries. With ropes, nets or bare hands the monks established a tradition of centuries: climbing. Today climbers from all over the world are coming to Meteora to confront them with the giant rocks. UNESCO has designated Meteora as a "Preserved and Protected Monument of Humanity". The Greek state is "a place sacred, unchangeable and inviolable". Add yourself your own rating to Meteora's Guestbook, which reaches 2 million each year. [...]

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Cave of Alistratis - Cave of Agiti springs

27 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2019
At a distance from the well-developed tourist cave is the 15 km long gorge of the Angitis River, and in some places it reaches 80 to 100 meters deep. The Gorge starts from the boundaries of the Municipal District of Symposia and ends spectacularly on the Angistas stone bridge of five. Along the flow of the river, which forms "meandros" and is offered for "rafting", there are small and large caves on the rocky slopes of the gorge, which once offered protection to small, obviously human communities, the existence of which is testified by the rock records, 5th - 6th AD century animals representing various animals, such as deer and camels, as well as scenes of everyday life. [...]

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Circumnavigation of Saint Temple Athos

27 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2019
Mount Athos. On the eastern and rugged peninsula of Halkidiki, religion gives a strong "present": Mount Athos is the second most important religious / pilgrimage destination after Jerusalem, for more than 300 million Orthodox Christians around the world. The institutional status of Mount Athos was established in the year 972. Today, it is a self-governing part of the Greek territory, while it is spiritually under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. The entry of women is forbidden, but every man, whether a national or foreign, irrespective of religion, can enter Mount Athos if he has a written permit, the so-called Memorial. [...]

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Lake Kerkini

27 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2019
Lake Kerkini may be referred to as artificial lake, nevertheless a small piece existed since ancient times and its size depended on how much water will be brought down by the river Strymon, the main feeder of the Lake. From the lake you can follow the river and reach the floating Idonida city of "Nine Streets", in Amphipolis. [...]

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Olympos – Dion

27 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2019
Excursion to history, culture and traditional heritage looking at the mythical mountain of the 12 gods of Olympus! [...]

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​Petralona Cave or "Red Stones"

27 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2019
The Petralona cave,  also Cave of the Red Stone, a Karst formation – is located at 300 m above sea-level on the western foot of Mount Katsika, about 1 km east of the eponymous village, about 35 km south-east of Thessaloniki city on the Chalkidiki peninsula, Greece. The site came to public attention when in 1960 a fossilized archaic human skull was found. The cave had been discovered accidentally only a year earlier (1959) after erosion had left clefts in the rock. "Bejeweled" with impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations and holding an abundance of fossils, the cave soon attracted geologists and paleontologists. After decades of excavations the cave is open to the public and scientific work is documented and presented in an adjacent archaeological museum. The cave's most prominent fossil specimen, since known among paleoanthropologists as the "Petralona Skull" [...]

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27 ΜΑΡΤΙΟΥ 2019
Visit Pella and Vergina, the two most important archaeological sites of the Macedonian Empire. Here in these two sites unfolds the great history of two great men and of a great ancient kingdom. Vergina was the first capital and was called Aiges in ancient times. Here you will visit the royal tombs of King Philip II father of Alexander the great. Inside the museum/tomb complex burial artifacts such as gold jewelry, weapons, religious artifacts and the Gold Larnax found at the tomb containing the remains of King Philip are on display. [...]
